Jesus Deconstructed His Faith, and So Have I

‘Deconstruction’ has been a bit of a hot topic in the Christian world. Those who are experiencing it tend to find it a scary, but vital development. Those who aren’t, tend to see it as a threat that needs to be averted. While I have a wealth of knowledge…

Solid Bites: Why are you afraid of the Dark?

'The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.' (ESV) John 1:5 Take a good look at the cave pictured up above. Without the light shining in, that cave would be utterly dark. Now picture what would happen if a light source was…

My Favorite Psalm Says 'Fuck'

'Prayer' by Kings Kaleidoscope is an explicit song by a Christian artist. I don't have any answers as to whether or not it's the correct thing to do. However, I will say that I have seldom heard a song that more effectively, and powerfully,…